Friday, September 24, 2010

Favorite photo of the summer

Class started on Wednesday in Columbus, and the Gardiner lab has hurdled the week with ease and grace. I put together a powerpoint presentation for the Pollinator Partnership in San Francisco, CA to explain all the goings on in Ohio over the summer. Looking back on the summer was fun, and I surprised myself by how much was accomplished. Next year will be much busier, and while I'm here in Columbus I will be synthesizing that experience with future goals in a research proposal. Here is my favorite photo of the summer: pumpkin stigmas soaking in soapy water for processing pollen counts.


  1. Just had to post this tangent:

    How bad are stinkbugs and are they a problem everywhere?


  2. Andy,

    I am not sure about the stinkbugs in that article, but other species of stinkbugs can be problems in crops. For instance, the squash bug is a "stinkbug" as well, and they are a nuisance on pumpkins, zucchini and other squash relatives.

  3. Andy, are a few interesting links about the brown marmorated stink bug

    This one's a Q&A

    This one is an article about them
