Monday, August 23, 2010

Blue Pike Farm Workshop

This weekend Mary, Steve, Lucia (a graduate student from Andy Michel's lab), and I hosted an outreach workshop at Blue Pike Farm. Blue Pike Farm is an urban garden located in Cleveland run by Carl.

We started by introducing the group to beneficial insects, and explaining their importance.
We then explained the methods used for sampling, and we found a very enthusiastic young lady that Mary should really consider hiring...

...She quickly perfected the sweep sampling method and I am sure we will be getting her letter of intent and CV in the mail any day now!! :)

Carl also had a surprise for the "experts". He caught some critters for us to identify in front of everyone! Luckly Lucia and I recently took the the Biodiversity Entomology course, though we still have some learning to do since Mary identified most of the insects.
Lucia and I may have both been stumped with some of the specimens...We then talked a bit about pollinator diversity and identification.

It was a great learning experience for the participants, as well as for Lucia and I! I am looking forward to more opportunities to explain the importance of our research to the public.

Thanks to Carl for hosting us, and to all the participants!


  1. I am wondering just how the urban garden works? How many people are involved in that plot? Do the neighborhood people just come out and plant there and who is Carl? It all seems like such a great idea. Sue

  2. This sounds like a great learning experience for everyone! Like Sue, I'm wondering how the urban gardens work and also, are they mostly vegetables or flowers?
