Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Common Buckthorn ID

I've been working on a bookmark with identification information for the invasive common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica). Here you can see the rounded, shiny leaves with small teeth on the edges. Each leaf has 3 to 5 pair of upward-curving veins. Also noticeable is the "thorn" in buckthorn. Each branch ends in a short, sharp spine. If you find any while you are out and about this summer, let us know. We'd love to see some pictures.


  1. This comment has nothing to do with this post...sorry. But I have question for you guys. We seem to have A LOT of tent caterpillars this spring in Northern MI. Do you know the best way to get rid of the nest without harming the tree. Also, do they damage the tree or shrub that they are nesting on? Thanks all,

  2. Hi Michele, I’m really sorry for the delay in answering your question. Below is a link to a bulletin that discusses tent caterpillars and their management. If possible, you can hand remove the nests from your trees to prevent defoliation. The bulletin cautions to wear gloves b/c the hairs on the caterpillars can irritate some people. It also talks about biological and chemical options for control. Good luck!
