Friday, September 3, 2010

Lazy Friday

All is quiet in the lab this Friday. Everyone is feeling sick or has a visitor or is traveling, except me! I'm here processing the final bee bowls, copying my data sheets and cutting open a knucklehead pumpkin I received as a gift from one of my growers to practice seed counting. This is my opportunity to play music that no one else likes!

Before Chelsea and I move to Columbus we have a large list of things to take care of to winterize the lab. There are drawers and cupboards for everything and pieces of equipment that need to be gathered and grouped. It reminds me of when I used to volunteer at a volunteer bike shop. We would start each day with a 30 minute "find and bind" where we would gather up loose pedals, shifters and various matching parts that belong together and zip-tie them for storage in the part bins. It also gave us the chance to find junk that we didn't need, and an opportunity for new storage space.

Have a nice weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the move Ben. Hope all goes well in Columbus. Enjoy your music. You can turn in up real loud and not bother anyone!
