Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sorting finally done!

Sorting through pan trap samples is finally complete. Sorting involved separating aphids from other insects, and storing the samples in vials containing ethanol. The next step is to perform a genetic analysis of the aphids. Whole plant sampling for aphids and lady beetles in soybeans fields is still on-going. So far, no we haven't come across soybean aphids in any of our fields.

While I'm on the subject of whole plant counts, Ian and I got a good interrogation-style quizzing today while we were out sampling. We had just completed sampling our second field and were ready to head to the third one when a man on an ATV pulled-up alongside us. He began throwing questions in rapid succession at us. Here are some samples questions...Who are you?...Who do you represent?...Did you seek permission from the farmer to do what you are doing?...What is his name? etc, etc. As soon as he was satisfied with our answers, he introduced himself to us as the owner of the land. He is currently leasing it to the farmer. He told us that there had been some theft and other undesirable happenings in there area, and that got concerned when he saw us out in the soybean field. Anyway, the point I want to make here is that it is always a good idea to have the contacts of the farmer whose fields you are using at your fingertips just in case a concerned neighbor or passerby wants to make sure you are in the right field.


  1. OK, this is a tangent, but I think this link would be a great fit for your blog. The video is nicely done for the "layman":

    Keep up the good work, ALE!


  2. Hi Alfred, your story reminds me of the time a professor brought his class to our gravel pit at our farm to study rock formations. If you have time ask Mary about the details. Sue
