Friday, December 10, 2010

San Diego

Most of the ALE lab, and one former ALE lab member is headed to balmy San Diego tomorrow for the annual Entomological Society of America conference. We have all implements of education with us, including hand-outs, t-shirts, posters and powerpoints chock full of buggy things. I've even practiced a few bug-jokes, so everyone should be prepared for a few groans.

If we are lucky, we may get a chance to hear what my Dad, who grew up in a marina town himself, heard last December on a similar trip to the megalopolis.
"The evening of the big storm we drove back to our hotel, which is at a marina with hundreds of sail boats. From the parking garage you could look out at the boats...the sounds were simply incredible. I wish I could have recorded it. The clanging of the lines hitting the mast...hundreds of sounded like nothing I've ever heard before. And because we were in a cement basement with a large open wall to look out over the boats, it added a bass sound. I think the people who live there simply take it for granted..."
Pictures will be forthcoming! Have a good weekend!

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