Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Empty Lab

It was a wonderfully serene day in the ALE lab, as everyone save Ben and I were out doing field work. Ben worked on counting pumpkin pollen grains, and I identified the first set of bee samples from our urban gardens and vacant lots. Thankfully, we used this peaceful time to our advantage, because...

Everyone came back from the field at the same time! Oh well, I will miss everyone milling about in the Fall when it will be just me.


  1. That is a lot of bee's! Are they all different??

  2. It looks like IO am very angry at the GPS...it is actually a very good GPS!

  3. Yes Michele, all different. I added some stars so you could see a couple things. The orange box is honey bees, and the yellow box is bumblebees, so you can see that solitary bees are the majority of bees that you find. Sweat bees (blue) turned out to be the largest group I found, and I haven't finished ID yet, but there's probably around 20-30 species of sweat bee there. Finally, the black star denotes the box with the cleptoparasitic bee and 3 of its host that I blogged about on Wednesday. Thanks for the questions!

