Thursday, November 15, 2012

ESA is over.

ESA has ended and we are back at our offices to a pile of unanswered emails, papers to be written, and plans to be made for future projects.

We are very excited and proud of the FIVE graduate students from the Entomology Department at Ohio State University for awards they earned in their sections!

Lawrence Long: 1st place  (Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) induced tree mortality alters forest bird communities)
Priya Rajarapu: 1st place (Midgut-specific profiles of the emerald ash borer larvae (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire)
Doug Sponsler: 1st place (Influence of urbanization on the survival and productivity of honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies in an agricultural region)
Jake Wenger: 2nd place (Origins of virulence: A molecular investigation of the genetic relationship among avirulent and virulent soybean aphid biotypes)
Nathan Baker: 1st place (Histopathological effects of the cyanobacterial toxin, Microcystin-LR on the exposed epithelial tissues of the amberwing spreadwing damselfly, Lestes eurinus, and the bloodworm, Chironomus riparius.)

Ohio State tied with Penn State, Texas A&M, and Nebraska for the most awards. Please be sure to congratulate these students if you see them.

Four members of the ALE lab also presented research. (listed below):

Mary Gardiner: Lessons from lady beetles: Accuracy of monitoring data from US and UK citizen science programs
Caitlin Burkman: Land use change affects spider community structure in the urban ecosystem of Cleveland, Ohio
Ben Phillips: Quantifying the influence of landscape composition on the pollination service supplied to pumpkins (Cucurbita pepo) in Ohio
Chelsea Smith: Predator guilds attacking coccinellid eggs vary among egg mass species and across foraging habitats

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

ESA still happening.

We are still having a great time at ESA! The students are selling goods to raise funds for themselves....

Some OSU men manning the EGSA booth
Scott, MSU student Brett, and Caitlin are ready to stop selling t-shirts

The Ohio State Entomology Department has a great mixer where we could visit each other  talk to alumni, and spend time with friends!

Emily and Scott at OSU mixer
Yuting, Erin, Priya, and Samuel at OSU mixer

Monday, November 12, 2012

ESA adventures.

We are all staying busy viewing posters, watching presentations, and networking!

Scott questions a Penn State student about her bumble bee research
We are also finding time for the occasional adult beverage.

Emily, Ben, and Scott enjoying a beverage (or 2)

Sunday, November 11, 2012


We have arrived in Knoxville for the Annual Entomological Society Conference. There is much to do! Mary is speaking today and the students have their talks tomorrow.

Best of luck to all the OSU graduate students who are competing in the student competition!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ben Phillips Wins DeLong Award!

The Ohio State University Entomology department held it's DeLong award competition yesterday afternoon, an event that takes place every year before our national meeting (ESA). It not gives the students a chance to practice their presentations for ESA, and provides travel money to the winners! 

Today we found out that an ALE lab graduate student, Ben Phillips, won the first place award! 

The judges were very pleased with the quality of the student presentations, and could not decide on second place. The second award was split equally between Jacob Wenger (Michel Lab) and Larry Long (Herms Lab).

Congratulations Ben, Jake, and Larry!!